Both the Star-Telegram and the Fort Worth Business Press noted some changes that could be headed to Six Points. The area, which got its name for the intersection of Riverside Drive, Belknap and Race Streets, was designated as an urban village back in 2005, and funding could finally pour into the neighborhood.
Criterion Development, a group that has taken the lead in this area, just won approval from the Fort Worth City Council to re-zone a portion of the area. First up, a 400-unit, multi-family village which will include small town homes and apartments. They’re also hoping to entice the kind of businesses that help promote a safe, family-oriented neighborhood.
Will Northern, owner of Northern Realty Group, recently led a tour through the area sponsored by the Greater Fort Worth Real Estate Council. Will is also representing a number of properties in this neighborhood, so if you’re looking for more information, you can email him at
Fort Construction has done a number of interesting redevelopment projects and would like to get involved in the Six Points area. If you’ve got a project in mind, give us a call and let’s talk about it.
You can read the article in the Star-Telegram article at: