Join Us in a Race for a Good Cause


On March 23, 2019, we hope you’ll join us for the Blast Race as we walk, run and dine to make a difference in the lives of Cook Children’s patients and families fighting neuroblastoma.

Our own Ashley Tinsley along with Amanda Peterson are the chairpersons for the upcoming race. Amanda’s daughter is a fighter against this rare and aggressive form of cancer.

From talking with Ashley, they are seeking corporate and individual sponsors to contribute and donate – not only for underwriting purposes – but for the main goal of raising money to assist the Neuroblastoma unit as well as for families battling at Cook Children’s Hospital. They’re also looking for restaurants and food vendors to donate their time and resources to this event.

Ashley and Amanda will be leading monthly committee meetings with individuals from all walks of life that are volunteering their time to make this race fun and successful. If you’d like more information, please email Ashley and she’ll be happy to help. Her email is

We offer our thoughts and prayers to all those affected by cancer, and hope they celebrate a day when they’re pronounced cancer free. Until then, we’ll keep fighting to eradicate this awful disease.