Fort Construction was proud to support – and attend – the Hoot ‘n Holler event benefiting ACH Child and Family Services. This miraculous organization, headquartered on Wichita Street in Fort Worth, is dedicated to protecting children from abuse, neglect and family separation.
Ken Evans and I grabbed our wives, along with Aaron and Kathleen Thesman, and enjoyed an evening of drinks and dinner at GRACE Restaurant in downtown Fort Worth.
This event has raised over $2 million to help children and young people who’re being treated in ACH’s residential services program. These are some of the most expensive programs to operate, including emergency shelter, foster care and adoption, residential care and behavioral care. Each year, more than 700 kids are served within these areas.
And if you haven’t kept up with the news of late, ACH has been at the forefront of creating a new foster care system. A system that has received an enormous amount of positive feedback, and could become the model for the state.
With the holidays fast approaching, ACH could use your time, a gift, or a donation. I hope you’ll consider helping this amazing organization. For more information, please visit their website.