Champion for the Homeless Receives Award


On Thursday, November 15th, The Association of Fundraising Professionals, Fort Worth Metro Chapter, honored six members in our community during National Philanthropy Day.

Among the honorees was Don Shisler who received the Ben Franklin Award for Outstanding Professional Fundraising Executive. If that name doesn’t ring a bell, he is the President and CEO of the Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County.

Union Gospel Mission is dedicated to providing love, hope, respect and a new beginning for the homeless. Don is responsible for the professional leadership and orientation of the administrative services, staff management, and community relations. He also handles the financial solvency and fiscal obligations.

In layman’s terms, I can tell you that Don has committed his life to serving the homeless population. He is a pleasure to work with because of his steady and realistic approach. Because he gives so much of himself, people naturally gravitate toward the Union Gospel Mission in the hopes that they can help. He is a man of great faith who has the ability to recognize the hand of God in the present tense. His recognition of and constant reliance upon God’s will is an inspiration to me – and to so many others.

I would like to offer Don my sincere congratulations for receiving this wonderful award, and add my gratitude for all he does for our community.